Discover Watercolour Painting

Learn more about watercolour painting, one of the most popular mediums at Opus Art Supplies!

Discover Watercolour Painting Discover Watercolour Painting

Why watercolours are awesome:

These versatile paints are popular among a wide range of artists. Watercolours are easy to start with, but there's plenty to learn and master. Plus, they tend to be pretty portable for painting-on-the go.

Simple Supplies

Watercolour supplies can be as simple as paints, brushes, and paper. Just add water!

Subtle & Bold

Control the strength of your paint by adjusting the paint-to-water ratio.

Free Flowing

Let the water guide you in creating intuitive, natural colour mixes and movements.

Artist's Watercolours

High-quality watercolour paints made to traditional and/or modern standards. These watercolours are predictable, offering professional perfomance and colours made to last the test of time.

Beginner-Friendly Watercolours

Watercolour paints that balance affordability and quality. Great for the "young-at-art" and those just trying a new medium.

Unconventional Watercolours

Watercolours delivered in different and interesting formats, including coloured pencils, markers and crayons. These watercolours tend be excellent for mixed media work.

Watercolour Painting Supplies

While you can make art out of anything, proper materials will make your watercolour painting experience much more enjoyable.

Learn more about the other materials you'll want for watercolour painting!

Watercolour Brushes

Watercolour brushes are traditionally made of squirrel or sable hairs, or modern synthetic versions.

These brushes are designed to hold lots of water and paint, as well as dispense them predictably.

We recommend starting with just a few high-quality brushes and finding what works well for you.

Watercolour Papers

Watercolour papers are typically made of cotton, which holds water well. You may also find more affordable alpha cellulose papers (derived from wood pulp.)

Watercolour papers are available in convenient pad/block form (pre-cut, gluebound sheets), or large individual sheets.

Our recommendation is to the get the best quality paper that makes sense for you. Great papers will hold up better under repeated layers of paint, and are easier to work with.

Watercolour Palettes

Palettes to hold and mix your paints in!

Watercolour palettes need to be made from non-porous materials. Ceramic plates can be used as basic palettes, or try a palette moulded specifically for watercolours to make separating colours easy.

You can also try portable, lidded palettes for transporting your paints and painting outdoors!

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